Got a question about volunteering? Please check this page of frequently asked questions to see if there’s already an answer to your question posted here. If not, please post your question below and we will answer as soon as possible. Thanks!

Who can volunteer?

Anyone! Everyone can make a contribution of some kind. We have plenty of opportunities.

What is the time commitment like?

We offer volunteer positions in all shapes and sizes. So your time commitment can be big or small. It all depends on the position you choose. Of course, we want happy volunteers, so we do our best to find the right fit for you.

What kinds of things do volunteers do?

We offer a wide variety of positions including event staff, hospitality and event staff, event coordination, team leadership, marketing and promotions, photographers and even the occasional videographer.

Why volunteer? What are the benefits?

Volunteering can be a great way to get involved. Plus, volunteering your time will earn you great perks like free membership, free entry to our events, free swag and even an Austin Film Meet t-shirt!

Do volunteers get paid?

No. Austin Film Meet is a not-for-profit organization operating entirely on the generosity of our dedicated volunteers. No one gets paid money, though our service is rewarded in many other wonderful ways. We’re all here because we love it.

Do I need film or video experience to volunteer?

Absolutely not. If are experienced, we can certainly utilize those skills, but no experience is required. Everyone has something valuable to contribute.

Can I still volunteer if I don’t live near Austin?

Yes! We do have several volunteer positions that never require you to be in person. It’s better if you can, but if you can’t we can work with you in certain positions. We would still like to meet you via video chat.

Do I have to be 18 to volunteer?

No. We love kids and welcome young volunteers. If you’re under 16, you’ll need to bring a parent or guardian along. But if you’re 16 or 17, we’ll need to get signed permission from your parent or guardian. Just contact us and we will send you the form.

How do I become a volunteer?

Start your adventure as a volunteer by following the steps outlined in the Volunteer Orientation.