Wednesday, April 20, 2016 – Wordsmiths Guest Speaker Workshop: Loglines for Screenwriters with Pim Hendrix
This time at Wordsmiths, Pim Hendrix speaks about Loglines & their importance, and hosts a workshop to help you with logline development.

Tuesday, September 29 & October 6, 2015 – Basics of WordPress Website Management Workshop
Need a website? Of course you do! These days your website is your calling card, and if you want a career in the creative or entertainment industries, a professional website that you can easily update is an absolute must!

Thursday, June 17 & 24, 2015 – Build-Your-Own WordPress Website Workshop
Need a website? Of course you do! These days your website is your calling card, and if you want a career in the creative or entertainment industries, a professional website that you can easily update is an absolute must!

Sat & Sun, January 17-18, 2014 – Build-Your-Own WordPress Website Workshop
Need a website? Of course you do! These days your website is your calling card, and if you want a career in the creative or entertainment industries, a professional website that you can easily update is an absolute must!