Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day Pool-side Potluck
at Kathy Swift’s house
Bee Caves, TX
This is a potluck. We will feast together, but everybody must pitch in. Please RSVP to and sign-up to bring something. Suggestions available upon request. RSVP to for directions & to sign-up to bring an item.
Things You Might Bring:
– A large cooler with lots of ice
– The utensils (plasticware, forks, cups, plates, paper towels)
– A couple six packs of beer
– Several jugs of ice tea
– Vegetable dish like mashed potatoes or green beans
– Large plate of cheese & crackers
– Fruit dish
– Cake
– Finger foods like chicken nuggets or
– Pasta dish, warm or cold
– Your special ______ dish that everybody loves and begs you to make…?
PARTICIPATION is KEY to successful (& delicious) potluck!

Volunteer! – Labor Day Potluck Food Coordinator
We have a pool-side potluck planned for Labor Day. Kathy Swift Albert is hosting at her beautiful home in Bee Cave, near the Backyard. This is a POTLUCK so we are trying to get everyone to bring a dish. The Food Coordinator’s job is to assign people to different food dishes from the list provided. It’s a pretty simple job with a very rewarding outcome (great food!). For more info, please email us at