Please join us for the kick-off of Austin Film Meet’s newest program:
AFM Writers’ Review and Critique Groups
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Writer’s Review and Critique Group Kick-off!
Start at 7pm
How serious are you about screenwriting? Finished any scripts lately?
Join a team of peers and share ideas, give and receive feedback, and keep the writing muse singing. No matter what level of writer you are, our newest program connects you with other writers for the encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to get the job done.
These team consist of 3-8 people and are organized by region and topic/genre. Each group decides if they meet weekly or bi-weekly and when and where, however; all writers are expected to make regular progress (5-10 pages) on their scripts, so attendance is mandatory and an AFM membership is required.
Every two months, special meetings will be conducted for reports on progress by each team, seminars by other writers, information on entering contests and competitions. Admission will also be opened up to new participants.
If you are interested in participating in an AFM Writers’ Review and Critique Group, please join us tonight to get connected to your group and start writing!
Hosted by: H.Cherdon & Timothy Brummett
If you wish to participate in the Critique Group, please fill out this survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F3FYPJY to sign up, but it needs to be in before 5:00 Tuesdsay April 26th. There is also a link on my blog at http://www.ihdfilms.com.
If you cannot make it on Tuesday and you would like to participate, please sign up before 5:00 and I’ll add you to a group during the meeting. You can find the signup page on my blog at http://www.ihdfilms.com or at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F3FYPJY
I’m very interested in joining the Review and Critique group! Is the “kick off” on Tuesday mandatory? I can’t make it; is there anyway to still sign up with a group? I’ll have my membership by then.