Monday, January 2, 2012
Austin Film Meet Industry Mixer
7-9pm, Open-mic at 7:15pm

Calling all filmmakers, video professionals, actors, producers and anyone involved in the central Texas film, video and new media industry. All are welcome. (Formerly the Reel Women First Monday Mix)

An Open-Mic session will begin at 7:15pm. This is your chance to introduce yourself and tell us what you do and how you can help. Or tell us about your project and how we can help. Or tell us about your recent career milestone or film accomplishment. We’re here to listen. Please keep your words to 90 seconds. (If we have 30 people, it takes nearly an hour.) Practice what you’re going to say. 90 seconds goes faster than you think it will.

Don’t forget your business cards & come introduce yourself! Thanks!
