Austin Film Meet Industry Mixer
Monday, October 3, 2011
Mixer starts at 6pm
Open-Mic at 6:30pm
Networking is everything. So, join us for an industry wide mixer for anyone involved in the film and video industry. We’ll gather at Stompin’ Grounds at 6pm. The open mic will start at 6:30, a little earlier than usual. Formerly co-sponsored by Reel Women, this large mixer has become quite popular in the industry. Bring your business cards and come hang out with us. This mixer is for actors, filmmakers and crew, directors, producers, marketers, art dept, camera dept, agents, everyone! Newbies welcome too!
Free to Attend. Full bar available.
Know other groups who might want to participate? Contact us at me@austinfilmmeet.com for a mixer of mega proportions!
Great mixer! Thanks to everyone who came out. It was a good turnout, nearly 50 people. We look forward to seeing you next month.
Tawny, thanks for joining us! We look forward to meeting you. See you in October!
I just moved to Austin from Houston and I have to admit I am super excited to find this group. I was part of the Houston film industry meetup group which was wonderful. After reading the about Austin meet I know this group is for me. My background is in traditional and multimedia/motion graphics art. I can’t wait to learn some new things, work on some projects and meet some new friends.