Join us for a table reading and group review of a feature or several short film scripts. The writers have written their script to the final stages and now they’re ready to hear actors read their scripts out loud, an incredibly helpful stage of the writing process.
While hearing their scripts out loud writers can get a better understanding of the story they created. Writers with weak dialog can hear real people say the words to help them notice if it doesn’t sound right, and get suggestions to make it sound better.
Austin Film Meet Wordsmiths Screenplay Table Read & Review
WHEN: Tuesday, July 12, 2016
TIME: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
WHERE: Carver Branch Library
2500 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
Library Phone: 512-974-1010
SCRIPTS: We still need scripts. Please submit your script, list of characters and a 2-5 sentence teaser/description. All types of scripts are encouraged. Shorts & features welcome. Please fill out the Table Reading Form. If your script is selected to be read at this event, you will need to join Austin Film Meet if you aren’t already a member. Writers may continue to make updates to the screenplays after submission, however, final scripts are due at least 48 hours prior to reading.
READERS: We need actors to read various roles in all these scripts. We may still need a few roles filed. If you want to read, please submit your headshot & resume to Thank you for reading! Readers also get more experience reading different scripts, a practice proven to make everyone better at film no matter what they do.
WHAT TO BRING: We will project the screenplays on a screen for everyone to see. In an effort to be as green as possible and save paper, we’re asking readers to please bring a laptop or tablet from which to read the script. If you can’t bring one and you’ve been assigned a reading role, we can print a script for you. Simply ask. Also, please B.Y.O.Beverages. Writers, you will also need to bring any printed scripts for readers that can’t print their own.
WRITERS: During the discussion, the writers are not allowed to respond or comment. Writers must take it all in, but not comment. They may only ask questions. Commentators are asked not to speak directly to the writer. Writers often become defensive when talking about their scripts, so it’s better to avoid giving input at all. This also encourages more honest answers from the audience. The goal is not to justify your writing, but to improve it, and the purpose of this event is to get honest feedback about what’s on the paper, not what’s in your head. The comments are intended to reflect what the screenplay conveys without any explanation from the writer. For this reason, writers cannot comment or it spoils the authenticity, purity and accuracy of the responses.
FEEDBACK: Group discussion encourages deeper analysis. After the reading we can discuss the script as a group. We encourage open, honest but constructive comments. Rather than saying that you don’t like something, explain what aspect is weak and offer a solution of how you might fix the problem. Please, address your comments to the group rather than directly to the writer and please do not ask the writers any questions. The writers are not supposed to comment about their screenplays until the discussion has concluded.
WHO CAN ATTEND: Anyone is welcome to attend or read, but only Austin Film Meet members may have their script read aloud.
RECORDING: Writers may record the reading for personal use only, to help the writer remember feedback details.
CONTENT: The Table Readings may include adult language, adult scenarios and actions of a sexual nature and may not be appropriate for children.
RSVP: All are welcome, but please RSVP if you plan to attend as either an observer or reader.
Thanks and hope to see you there!