Arrrggh! It’s Talk-Like-a-Pirate-Day on Sept 19th, so practice yer words all day and then, the next day… Get your patches and peg leg and join the party of historic proportions! Mermaids make it even more magical! Bring your suit & swim in the pool! This party is potluck style, so we’re asking each attendee to bring a family-size dish to share. Costumes and flippers encouraged! Kids welcome! Need ideas? Check out our Pirates & Mermaids Party Ideas Pinterest page!
Saturday, September 20, 5:00-10:00 pm
Pirates & Mermaids Pool Potluck Party
This party is open to Austin Film Meet Members and our friends, anyone involved in the local film/video/entertainment industries. Please, no pets. Feel free to bring your kiddos!
Networking should be fun! Building relationships is an essential part of successful filmmaking and Austin Film Meet aims to facilitate connections within our community.
We ask that each guest sign-up to bring a family-size dish to share with the group. All guests are asked to bring a dish/beverage to share with the group. Please be prepared to sign up for an item type (side dish, beverage, salad, dessert, etc.) at registration.
We encourage you to bring food to fit the theme. This can be as simple as choosing the right foods or decorating your presentation of the food accordingly. Need ideas? We created a Pirates & Mermaids Party Ideas Pinterest page to inspire you!
Please consider Paleo, vegan, sugar-free, dairy-free and gluten-free recipes, as many of our members suffer from diet restrictions.
If you are unable to bring a dish to share, you may pay a $10 food fee instead. However, participation is encouraged.
Pay in Advance
Members and attendees who pay in advance do not need tickets at entry. Just give your name at the registration table. Names will be on the list.
We will have a limited supply of spirited beverages for you to enjoy. If there is a particular beer/alcohol/wine that you prefer, please bring your own. No glass bottles at the pool please. Use a cup please. Thank you!
You might also want to bring: a towel, swimsuit, dry clothes, sunscreen, bug repellent spray. Also, seating may be limited, so please bring an extra lawn chair if you have one. Thanks!
Members with potluck dish – FREE
Members without potluck dish – $10
Non-Members with potluck dish – $10
Non-Members without potluck dish – $20
Kids under 12 years of age – FREE with Adult
Please register in advance by posting a comment below telling us what food item you’re bringing. You may pay cash or credit at the door but if you’re attending as a member, please sign-up online BEFORE you arrive. If you would like to buy tickets in advance, please choose the appropriate option to the right. Please provide a name for each attendee. Remember, when you agree to bring something, we’re counting on you, so please let us know if your plans change. Thank you!
Brandon and I will bringing some slightly spiked punch, filtered water, paper plates, cups, utensils, and paper towels.
I’m open to bringing anything that is needed or something to add some variety. If nothing suggested maybe just bring chicken from heb, bean dip and chips. Although I am also open to cooking, just nothing is coming to mind right now.
Sounds like fun, and it’s been too long since I’ve been at an AFM event. I’ll bring a dish and and a plastic bottle of liquor. I’ll spare everyone from my cooking and pick something up from Central Market. Cherdon (or anyone) lemme know what to pick up and consider it done. Thanks!