Please join us for our Fall Potluck Party.

WHEN:  Sunday, November 22, 2015

TIME:  5:00-10:00 pm

WHERE:  To Be Determined

WHAT:  Potluck-style Party for the Austin Film Meet community

BRING:  We are asking each person to bring a family-size food dish to share. If each person does his part well, we will share a delicious feast. Please let us know what type of dish you’re bringing when you sign up:

  • Main course
  • Side dish
  • Fruit or Salad
  • Dessert

BYOB:  Please bring your own beer, alcohol or wine. We will provide filtered ice water, unsweetened ice tea, and sugar.

HOW MUCH:  FREE for AFM Members / Guests & Non-Members $5 / Children under 12 FREE but please bring an additional potluck dish or double portion if you’re bringing children.