Austin Film Meet Proudly Sponsors…

‘Toon In ATX – 1st Anniversary Celebration!

Friday, April 19th

Explore the world of animated film and join in the fun with the First Anniversary of “Stay ‘Tooned!

More and more people are discovering why this weekly series is quickly becoming a welcome celebration of animation.  You’re invited to come out to Ao5 Art Gallery on April 19th for some cartoons and a slice of cake too!  From 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM you can enjoy paintings from today’s top artists based on your favorite animated characters.  There are even original theatrical lobby cards and movie stills available for purchase.

Phil Machi – host of Stay ‘Tooned! – will be on hand as M.C. to sign original limited edition prints.  There will even be a live interview with Austin Animator Joe Rothenberg.

Until the big day, you can get acquainted with (and even subscribe) to Stay ‘Tooned! by visiting