Are you working on a Short Film Challenge film production this spring? Then, this is your personal invitation to join us online for a brief SFC Challenge Project Check-in meeting. We want to review your progress, see how we can help and make sure pitfalls are being avoided and everyone is on track for success!  


Brandon Boggs and H.Cherdon Bedford will be available to meet online to review project progress with you.

We highly encourage project keys to attend: Producer, Director, Director of Photography and Production Design.

Ideally, we’d like to briefly check in with ALL our teams. I have a just a few updates, some questions and would like to see where you’re at. Also, happy to answer any questions you have for me.  

Please join us, even if briefly, so we can touch base! Thank you!


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 262 767 402 086

Passcode: mdYeNM