Attention Austin actors want to get involved in this years 2020 scene performance competition? Actors will pick 2 under 5 minute each scenes or one 10 minute scene from a published theatre play scenes with two actors max per scene only and perform them live with there scene partner. The audience will vote on which scenes the loved the most. There will be a first second and third winner. Actors will win local prices from Austin businesses.

We Will do 2 to 3 rehearsals as a team to go over the show flow the last few week’s in FEBUARY. Which will be a little over a hour. Most of the rehearsal is expected to be done between you and your scene partner.

The show performance will be first or second week in March. Venues and final are being finalized. There is a chance of two Performance done at two different venues in downtown Austin.

You will need to send in the following to be considered-

#1 Actors head shot, resume and reels
#2 actors scenes of either the following: 2 under 5 minute scenes or 1 10 minute scene from a published theatre play. Scenes with two actors max per scene only. All scenes performed must be approved by the director and producer
#3 state if you have a scene partner or not we cab help you find one.

This is non paid since this is a showcase but you will win prizes and the show will be recorded and you given a copy for your theatre performance reels.

If this sounds like something you want to enter email