Production Title: BODY CHECK
Production Type: Independent Short Comedy Film, University of Texas Thesis
Production Format: HD. Shot on a Sony F5
Production Location: Austin, Texas
Production Dates: March 24th – 27th-A majority of shooting will be on weekends.
Director: Jenny Phillips
Synopsis: An insecure guy invades a hyper-masculine Lacrosse party in order to prove himself.
Compensation: Lead Roles are Paid, Digital Copy, Credit
Meals/ Lodging/ Transportation: Meals, snacks and beverages
Please include: Headshot, Resume, Reel (if available), and preferred audition time.
Auditions: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH: 12PM – 5PM @ CMB 4.122 (UT 4th Floor Film & TV Studio).
KEITH (18-25) A socially awkward boy. He tries his best to prove his “straight athletic dude” act is believable, despite his baby face and lanky body. Must be comfortable with short make out scene with CODY. *PAID ROLE*
HARPER (18-25) An out of touch hedonist, and Keith’s co-worker. She’s a spitfire with zero filter. *PAID ROLE*
CODY (18-28) Sensitive lacrosse player, his emotions and repressed homosexual tendencies get the best of him when at a party. Athletic build. Must be comfortable with short make out scene with KEITH. *PAID ROLE*
CHET (18-28) The almighty lacrosse team captain, terminal optimist, and ripped shirtless host of the party. If his loyalty is crossed, you don’t want to mess with him.
STOPH (21-30) The effeminate, perfectly tanned, well dressed, and dapper assistant manager. He has his life together and wants everyone to knows it.
JIMMY (18-28) Stoned shirtless lacrosse player. Very athletic.
DEVIN (18-30) A large intimidating doorman, no one can get through him. The largest member of the lacrosse team.
RICK (18-28) Vacant and spacey shirtless lacrosse player. Athletic build.
STEELE (21-30) The quiet lacrosse teammate, who finally has something to say.
DANIEL (18-28) Introspective, mourning, shirtless, drunk, lacrosse player.
FEATURED EXTRAS: 2 male gym goers, 4 young girl shoppers (giggling and basic), Muscular Male Lacrosse Party-Goers & Female Party-Goers
Roles are open to all ethnicities. Walk-ins are welcome!