Double your confidence!

Recommended by casting directors in LA and Texas.
Film Acting Class – Wednesdays, starting Jan. 14th

The goal of this class is learning to work effectively with the camera and understand it’s special needs by taking a scene from cold read to the capture of an honest camera performance. The class also features, guidelines to being camera performance friendly, do’s and don’ts of set etiquette, with critiquing sessions. Actors have fun doing a variety of action-adventure, drama, sitcom, and romance scenes shot on digital video.
Ages 18 and up. Students rehearse with partners outside of class and memorize lines.
7 sessions on Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. til done. $235
adult classes

 Explorer Class – Mondays, starting Jan. 26th

Start the New Year right and refine your inner Thespian in a friendly, relaxed setting as you learn from veteran stage and film actress, Mona Lee Fultz at BriteLites Studio. This basics class provides a foundation for developing a natural, believable style of acting for film. Believing every person is unique, Mona encourages actors to be true to their own “style” by assigning roles based on an individual’s natural qualities and skill level.

Participants work on four to five different scenes and monologues from plays and screenplays. In addition to working with text, Mona uses special exercises to help actors relax and make their characters come alive. Students become more confident as they tackle and master more complex characters through scene work.
Ages 18 and up. Students rehearse with partners outside of class and memorize lines.
7 sessions on Mondays, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. $225 – adult classes

Sub-Personalities – Thursdays, starting Feb. 5th.

A deepening class taught by Mona Lee

Within us is not just one personality but a whole crowd. In this class actors learn to isolate and identify their personalities and draw upon them when they perform. Explore Jungian archetypes and study the Enneagram, an ancient psychological system based on nine personality types, then apply the types through voice dialogue and monologues. Excellent class for actors to learn more about themselves and stretch their acting range.
7 sessions, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Or until done. $225

Registration online at, click on ‘Courses’.
Classes are held at BriteLites Acting Studio – 7109 Woodrow  Austin, TX 78757