Title: Broken Hearts
Location: Austin, Texas
Shooting Dates: approximately 5 days between July 19 and July 26
Audition Date: Saturday, May 25th

Synopsis: A teen with congenital heart disease craves normalcy, and simply wants to have her ears pierced, but has never been allowed to, because of doctor warnings and her parent’s strict rules. Then she meets Sarah, a veteran CHD survivor who is getting a heart transplant in a few days. The two decide to break out of the hospital together to go on an adventure and just feel like normal rebellious teenagers for one day.
INDIGO: (12-18 years old, female) Rebellious emo teenager. She appears quiet and submissive, but is silently defying her parents by doing things like smoking cigarettes instead of seeing her mom’s crystal healer.
SARAH: (12-20 years old). By appearances, she seems sickly, as she is dying. But her vivacious, outgoing personality says otherwise. She lives in the moment and doesn’t care what people think about her.
$100/shoot day. Meals, transportation and electronic copy of final film provided.

To submit, email BrokenHeartsFilm@gmail.com with a headshot/resume.