Submit Your Film to the Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers
As the nation’s first regional tour of independent filmmakers, Southern Circuit provides filmmakers with the paid opportunity to participate in a multi-venue tour of the American South, screen their films for new audiences, and engage audiences in discussions about the content and production of their films.
Southern Circuit is composed of three separate Circuits, each with six filmmakers (for a total of 18 filmmakers) who travel (by air and auto) to an estimated six-eight communities each throughout the Southeastern United States. The Circuit occurs September, October, November, February, March, and April. Filmmakers tour an estimated 10-12 days in one of those months.
Filmmakers selected for the 2016-2017 Southern Circuit receive:
- A $400 screening fee for each screening on the tour. Total screening fees up to $3,200.
- Travel expenses (domestic airfare, car rental, gas expenses, and airline baggage fees) for the tour.
- A per diem of $175 (per evening away from home) to cover expenses for meals and lodging.
- Logistical and travel support from South Arts staff.
- Marketing support and screening partners for each screening.
In return, selected filmmakers agree to:
- Travel to partner venues throughout the South.
- Present a screening approximately 40-120 minutes in length.
- Engage audiences in a 30-minute post-screening Q&A to include: discussion of the work, the film-making process, and their lives as artists.
- Participate in program-related events coordinated by screening partners on the tour, for example: private dinners, public receptions, classroom presentations, etc.
- Participate in Southern Circuit social media to further promote the tour.
The late application deadline is March 10, 2016. The extended deadline for Withoutabox members is March 21, 2016. Learn more about how to apply.