Card Game
Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: 16mm
Production Location: Arlington
Writer(s): Ashley Targonski
Director(s): Ashley Targonski
Additional Attached Crew: Jasnik Moreno
Synopsis: This is a 16mm film project for my intermediate film class at the University of Texas at Arlington. The audio will be recorded separately in a sound studio a few weeks before the film will be shot.
The film “Card Game” is about how a singular moment in which you meet someone could change your life
Character Breakdowns:
Jenny (20): The film is from her perspective and the audio is all a voice over from her. She is introverted, soft-spoken but tough.
Mike (22): The hard-working, good humored.
Kevin (22): competitive, good humored, extroverted.
Since it’s being shot in 16mm film there will not be dialogue on set so body language is imperative to make this work well.
All three of them are good friends and roommates.
Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: DVD Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:
Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: The shoot won’t take longer than an hour or two so I will provide drinks and snacks for that time.