Production Title: Child Centered Collaboration
Industrial, Non-Union
Production Type: Educational web-series
Production Format: Digital
Production Location: Austin
Production Start Date: 08/05/2015
Production Wrap Date: 08/12/2015
Production Schedule: 3 shoot days
Producer(s): ESC Region 13, Barry Link

Synopsis: An educational project that modes a Child-Centered Collaboration meeting. Video will demonstrate a team of educators, parents, and community service providers working together to effectively determine an action plan for a child who has special needs. The team depicted shares responsibility for helping Taylor, an elementary-aged child with autism.

Character Breakdowns:
Commentator – male, 30-45 years old – Authoritative, confident, calm.

Facilitator – female, 45-50 years old – Commands respect with her quiet air of authority; occasionally humorous and compassionate; never flustered by outbursts or challenges from group members, she is calmly in control of the situation