UPDATE – 8 SPACES REMAINING- DOUBLE SHOT WORKOUT with Casting Director/Coach KATHY BRINK & Director/Coach PRICE HALL. The 1 Day WORKOUT has been expanded to a 2 Day Event, November 22nd & November 23rd. But, the WORKOUT has also been structured to accommodate those who can only participate on one of those days, either Saturday or Sunday. The Cost for 1 day is $150, and $225 for both days. Reserve your space now by going to: www.thenaturalact.net, select ‘Workshops’ and them click on ‘THE DOUBLE SHOT WORKOUT’, then follow the prompts. Refer a Friend and receive a Free 30 minute Career/Craft Consultation. Feel free to contact us with any questions: thenaturalact@gmail.com, or call: 713-201-1245. 8 Spaces Remaining.
Expanded Workout with Kathy Brink & Price Hall – Houston, TX
by H.Cherdon Bedford | film jobs, Houston Cast & Crew Calls, Workshops & Classes