Independent/Student/Studio: Independent
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Houston
Production Start Date: 1/10/2015
Production Wrap Date: 1/11/2015
Production Schedule: 2 Days
Producer(s): Miguel Delgadillo, Andrew Petersen,
Writer(s): Miguel Delgadillo, Nicholas Delgadillo,
Director(s): Miguel Delgadillo
Additional Attached Crew: Andrew Petersen, Drake Walton, Johnathan Butler, James Frank, Megan King
Synopsis: Plot: Aaron, a young researcher, seeks to discover the deadly disease that plagues Earth by traveling across an infected region. Ultimately, this project is supposed to convey the philosophical message that humans are the deadly disease plaguing Earth through Industrialism, Animal Cruelty/Exploitation, and War.
Character Breakdowns:
Aaron is the young researcher who journeys through this profound revelation, searching for a tangible disease only to discover that humans are the ultimate evil. He’s a silent (i.e., meaning no dialogue) intellectual who explores and analyzes his infected region with a HAZMAT SUIT and a GAS MASK, believing the disease to be airborne.
We need a Male actor, looking for someone who looks in their 20’s. Preferably someone between 5 ft 7 in and 6 ft 2 in. Mature appearance.
Paid / Non-Paid: Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages
Production Company: MAD Cinema Productions, Static Cinema
Film / Production Company Website: http://www.static-cinema.com/
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: AndrewProductionsTV@gmail.com