Furniture Store Commercial
Independent/Student/Studio: Independent
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Commercial
Production Format: HD

Production Location: Dallas/Fort Worth

Production Start Date: 02/18/2015
Production Wrap Date: 02/20/2015
Production Schedule: 2 Days

Producer(s): Ravi Kiran
Writer(s): Ravi Kiran
Director(s): Ravi Kiran

Synopsis: This is a furniture store commercial to be shot near Fort Worth. We will likely be shooting on Wednesday, February 18th at the store, and Friday, February 20th at a home.

Character Breakdowns:
We need two actors to play a middle/upper-middle class couple.

Male – Mid-30s to Mid-40s. Husband. A bit of a pushover, but not a complete doormat. Average to attractive looks.

Female – Mid-30s to Mid-40s. – Wife. Confident and a little overbearing. Average to attractive looks.

Paid / Non-Paid: Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: None
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages

Production Company: Time Warner Cable Media

Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:

Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: Must be comfortable using a chainsaw as a prop.
Please send headshots and any samples of previous work, if you have any.