Hell Of A Night
Independent/Student/Studio: Independent
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Feature Film
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Houston
Specific Production Location: Beaumont, TX
Producer(s): Justin O’Neill, Ginger Lee Owens, Brian Childs
Writer(s): Brian Childs
Director(s): Brian Childs
Synopsis: Hell Of A Night is a feature length Haunted House Horror/Thriller that follows two sisters, Blake & Shaine. After the lose of their father, Blake comes home from college for the summer & decides to rent an old vacation farm house for time time to herself as her younger sister Shaine is stuck at home in a new house by herself. Blake and Shaine both unknowingly wait up evil spirits in their houses, linked together by a single piece of jewelry owned by an evil dark spirit. A serious of scary to twisted occurrences start to happen as strange things start unfolding for both characters.
Character Breakdowns:
SAMANTHA, The lead characters best friend and 3rd lead of the film. Samantha is a beautiful local town girl who uses the lead character (Blake) to get what she wants. When Blake goes out of town, Samantha cons her boyfriend into robbing the house to find an old & very expensive piece of jewelry when little does she know that by taking the necklace, it upsets the woman who haunts the house & stirs unfortunate events. Samantha is likable yet very devious. A girl use to getting her way.
Sex: Female
Age: 19-25
Ethnicity: Caucasian or mixed race
Hair Color: Blonde, Red, Black
Paid / Non-Paid: Paid, Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit, DVD Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages, Transportation
Production Company: BChilds Films
Film / Production Company Website: http://www.facebook.com/hellofanightfilm
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: bchilds101@yahoo.com
Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: Please email Head Shot or Recent Photo, Contact Info, & Acting Reel (if you have one on-line to view) for further information.