Production Title: I AM MACKENZIE
Production Type: Student/Independent/Non-Union
Length: Short Film (15 minutes)
Genre: Drama
Production Compensation: PAID. Meals, IMDb credit, and a digital copy provided.
Production Location: Austin, Texas
Production Dates: April 5 – April 17, 2018 (approximately total of 7 days of shoot during the 2 weeks period)
Synopsis: Mackenzie, a teen tomboy, growing up with her emotionally abusive dad, puts on her dad’s girlfriend’s sexy dress to seduce her best friend August to bed. Her first sexual encounter ends up in a disaster only for her to realize she should fully embrace her own masculinity.
Character Bios:
Mackenzie (16- 21), Tomboy skater trying to hide her femininity as much as possible. She is tough, aggressive, assertive, has adopted a lot of her dad’s ways of behaving and interpreting the world, but deep down she is very fragile and sensitive as most girls her age. She has a secret crush on August and has never kissed anyone before.
August (16-21), a skater, timid nature, really looks up to Mackenzie and follows her around but has never really seen her as a woman before she wears the dress. He really wants to get laid and become a man, but is too shy to go for it.
Audition Date/Time: November 4th, Saturday, 12:00p – 5:00p
Audition Location: 2504 Whitis Ave. Austin, Texas (UT Austin Campus – CMB 4.122 – Film & TV Lab 4C)
Please send headshot/resume to to make an appointment and receive further information.
Thank you and we look forward to your submissions!