ThreeLeggedRace Productions, a small but multiple award-winning Austin based production company, is currently casting for our upcoming short film ‘Karate Belt’, with filming scheduled for early to mid November.

Synopsis: An eccentric man finds a discarded karate belt, and when he dons it, becomes the neighborhood vigilante superhero in his own mind. However, after an explosive training montage, his attempts to do good lead him to find out he is not as tough as he thinks he is.

Think ‘The Last Dragon’ meets ‘Juice’.

We are currently casting for the following four characters:

‘Karate Belt’- Late 30s- Late 40s- The protagonist, oddball, eccentric, unpredictable, delusions of grandeur, possibly homeless

Dad- Late 40- 60s- Square, suburbanite type, barely contained rage bordering on full-bore anger

‘Jay’- 20s- 30s- Tough guy, streetwise, large frame

‘Dee’- Comedic sidekick of Jay, ala Chris Tucker

Casting times/ locations are as follows:

Thursday, Oct. 3rd, 7:00- 8:40 PM, Carver Museum, 1165 Angelina St, Austin, TX 78702

Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 6:30- 8:30 PM, Carver Library, Rm. 1, 1161 Angelina St, Austin, TX 78702

Thursday, Oct. 10th, 7:00- 8:40 PM, Carver Museum, 1165 Angelina St, Austin, TX 78702

Deferred payment available.

Script available upon request.

Questions or want to schedule an audition time? Please contact Stephen, Sarah, or Dustin at