Kramer v. Kramer
Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Scene

Production Location: Austin

Production Schedule: 1 day

Director(s): Jordan Simon

Synopsis: A short, 3-5 minute, scene from the movie Kramer v. Kramer in which Joanna decides to leave her husband Ted. He doesn’t take her seriously at first, but realizes the magnitude of what she is doing and attempts to ask her why she is leaving. All she says to him is that she is leaving, without giving him any explanation.

Character Breakdowns:
Ted – mid to late 20’s or early 30’s. A business executive, workaholic, who cares about his job. He is also a family man, but his job is equal in his eyes. After divorcing his wife and getting custody of his child, he seems to resent both as he can’t work as much as he wants so he can be with his son, but he also can’t be with his son as much as he wants since he has to work, which causes him major distress.

Joanna – early to mid 20’s. A good person, but is stressed about the job and work it takes to be a good wife and mother. She feels like she hasn’t had the opportunities in life that many people her age have had and chooses to leave her husband and her child so she can find herself. However, after someone time, she realizes what she walked out on and attempts to come back to be a good mother to her child again.

Audition Date: 02/13/2015
Audition Start Time: 04:00 pm
Audition End Time: 07:00 pm
Audition Location: CMB Building. RTF Studio 4E. CMB 4.134
Audition Address: 300 West Dean Keeton St. Austin, Texas 78705

Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: DVD Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages

Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:

Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew:

The building location is the CMB building…NOT the CMA. It is on the corner of Dean Keeton and Guadalupe St.

Building Map –