Little Socrates
Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: HD

Production Location: Dallas/Fort Worth
Specific Production Location: Northeast Dallas

Production Start Date: 01/17/2015
Production Wrap Date: 01/17/2015
Production Schedule: 1 Day

Producer(s): Heather Child
Writer(s): Jean-Patrick Mahoney
Director(s): Jean-Patrick Mahoney
Additional Attached Crew: Tim Perry

Synopsis: An eleven-year-old boy gets a surprise visit from his estranged father,
as he is about to star in a school play about the death of Socrates.

Character Breakdowns:
Extras needed to play the families of children in the play, 30-40 people needed. Open ages.
Extras also needed as on-stage talent for the play within the film. 10 people needed ages 10-13, open genders and ethnicities.
The time frame will be 10am-6pm.

Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages

Production Company: East Corp A/V

Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:

Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: “Little Socrates” will be competing in film festivals nationally and internationally.