Short Mini Series
Independent/Student/Studio: Studio
Production Type: Short Film, Web Series
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Austin
Specific Production Location: Georgetown
Production Start Date: 07/20/2015
Production Wrap Date: 07/31/2015
Production Schedule: 10
Producer(s): Michael Rodgers
Writer(s): Anne Opotowsky
Director(s): Cody Miles
Synopsis: We are producing a series of short films around marriage and relationships. The shorts will be realistic and the dialogue is in the vein of mumble core.
Each actor will need to be on set for 2-3 days. We are looking for 6 actors. 3 men and 3 women.
Character Breakdowns:
25 years old
unemployed chef
White or other
22 years old
Works as a waitress
White or other
22 years old
Works at a farm supply
22 years old
Junior in college
White or other
30 years old
Works as an office clerk
White or hispanic
30 years old
Works part time in real estate
Hispanic or black
Audition Date: 06/09/2015
Audition Start Time: 05:15 pm
Audition End Time: 10:00 pm
Paid / Non-Paid: Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:
Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: Please set up a time for your audition. If you would like to set up a skype audtion, we can do that as well. Good Luck!