Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: HD

Production Location: Austin

Production Start Date: 03/20/2015
Production Wrap Date: 03/23/2015
Production Schedule: 3 day shoot

Producer(s): Brittney Shepherd
Writer(s): Brittney Shepherd
Director(s): Brittney Shepherd
Additional Attached Crew: Rachel Bardin; Cameron Quevado; Huay Law

Synopsis: “MELTED” is a short dramatic film that tells the story how one child’s attempt to throw a birthday party for their parent is thwarted by unforeseen events.

Character Breakdowns:
ROCKY: 8-12 year old boy or girl; eager but clumsy go-getter who is unknowingly self-sufficient. Seen a lot of disappointment, but maintains optimism.

ROCKY’S MOTHER/FATHER: man or woman late 30s – 40’s; Jaded and frustrated who isn’t cut out for the aging or the parenting process. Aloof and selfish disguised as attractive.

ROCKY’S FATHER’s BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND: woman or man mid 30’s; Tall with slinky stature and attitude. Insensitive and unaware of how their actions affect others.

COP #1: man or woman late 30s – 50s; fit and firm, but gentle in attitude and approach. Has the ability to joke around, but maintain authority without having to speak too much

COP #2: man late 30’s – 50s, fit and firm, maintains authority without having to speak much.

Audition Date: 02/21/2015
Audition Start Time: 09:00 am
Audition End Time: 02:00 pm
Audition Location: CMB building – CMB Studio 4C; UT Austin
Audition Address: Located at the corner of Dean Keeton and Guadalupe, Communications Building B, 4th Floor 300 West Dean Keeton Street, Texas 78712

Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit, DVD Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages

Production Company: Brittney Shepherd Media
Film / Production Company Website:

Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: