Production Type: Non-Union/Student/Independent

Compensation: Paid Opportunity (dance experience required), meals and digital copy (available upon request)

Production Dates: Jan. 8-16 (5 full days w/in this timeframe)

Auditions: Oct. 15th & 22nd 12p-5p
University of Texas – Austin (F. Loren Winship Drama Bldg.)

Sign up at & email headshot/resume to BRING A HARDCOPY OF YOUR HEADSHOT/RESUME AS WELL. Wear movement clothing and bring a water bottle.
“Night at the Club” is seeking a diverse group of female actors and dancers for a short film. The script and movement will be developed in rehearsals leading up to the shoot; all performers will also be movement consultants and will collaborate with the film’s director and choreographer(s). The film presents strippers through a feminist lens, aiming to undo harmful sex worker tropes that pervade our media; performers should be interested in presenting characters who are strippers in a compassionate, feminist way. There is no nudity.
Four roles are available for performers able to portray women ages 18-40. People of color are strongly encouraged to audition. Characters are subject to develop based on casting. Paid opportunity. Dance experience required.