ANITA – Mid 30s to 40s
She always makes the best of her situation while living against the grain, toting her kids as her emotional constant. She wouldn’t trade them for anything. Home for Anita is a distant past.

EUGENIO / EUGENIA – 15 to 20-years-old
Caught up in surviving high school, Anita’s oldest son or daughter is cut from the same family cloth. Home is the opposite of freedom but an undeniable necessity of life.

RAMON / RAMONA – 8 to 12-years old
Texas born, Anita’s youngest kid has never really questioned the meaning of home, hasn’t had to until now.

OFFICER BASTOS – 25+ Immigrations officer ordered to detain one of the family members.

While raising a family in Texas, Anita has to protect her two kids from what’s beyond their control when the family discovers they may need to return to Venezuela and the life they left behind there.

In rehearsals and conversation, we will look at the characters together, so while the script is prepared with a Venezuelan family in mind, we are very open to meeting people from different backgrounds.

The officer role is also welcomed to people of all backgrounds, and we would like to examine the complexity of the moment when one person has to inform another person that their home is at risk.

Email John David to set up an appointment at –

University of Texas – M.F.A. Student Film
Production Dates will be about three days between Dec. 7-11th
Stipend payment / Copy – Hope to collaborate!