Hello – Digital City Productions is casting for a short film that is scheduled to shoot in the 1st week of April – the exact date is still being finalized.

Synopsis: New to the police force, Benjamin is forced to have a meeting with an influential criminal that is determined to turn Ben corrupt. This short will be shot at night from ~7.00pm to 2:00am and will take place primarily in the front seat of a police car.


Benjamin – early 30 – 40s, Caucasian, new officer on the police force that believes in the oath he has taken
Abe – 30s – 60s, Caucasian or Hispanic, a charismatic criminal that is used to getting his way
Anthony – 40s – 60s, Caucasian, a weathered officer that is on Abe’s payroll

Project Details:

We plan on keeping the casting call open until 2/22
Auditions to be held on the weekend of 2/27
Shoot planned for the 1st week of April

This is a dialogue heavy short