Aria Appleton needs extras (primarily 4th-7th graders, but all grades K-12 are needed for some scenes, with a few adult slots). If you are interested and available on any or all of the following dates, please e-mail PillowstoneCreative@gmail.com with FACEBOOK EXTRAS in the subject line. Let us know your age (or age range if you prefer), a picture is preferred, your contact info., and what days you are available.
Extras needed: 1-5PM on Saturday, Dec. 27, 9AM-5PM on Sunday, Dec. 28, 9:30-5:00 on Monday, Dec. 29, 8AM-5PM on Dec. 30, 8:30-5:00 on Saturday, Jan. 3, and 8:30-5:00 on Sunday, Jan. 4. No pay, but valuable experience. All locations are in Grand Prairie.
Once we receive your e-mail stating the required information, we will send you more information. Thank you and please pass along this call!