Sagar Tarne Chu (I will cross the Ocean)
Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Production Type: Music Video
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Dallas/Fort Worth
Production Start Date: 07/10/2015
Production Wrap Date: 07/12/2015
Producer(s): AFactory Studio
Writer(s): NepCine
Director(s): Rayan Rays
Additional Attached Crew: Rav Wave
Synopsis: “Sagar Tarne chu”, a Skinny is Green’s new song from their upcoming album “Dreamers” in which son express his fear & regrets, explains that he now understand how loved he was and how determined he is now to make it in a new-land where he doesn’t know anybody or anything.
Character Breakdowns:
Mom: In her 20’s, 5.5” & above, Slim, long hair. A major character of the video who will be seen as a loving, hopeful and frustrated mother when singer passes through different stages of his life.
Dad: In his 30’s, 5.5”& Above, A father who provides for his family and expects everyone to do their duty.
Baby: Under 1 Year,
Child: Between 4-7 Year old Boy.
Teenage Gaurav: 11-16 Years old. Boy. Probably rough looking, long hair, musician preferred. As teenage Gaurav starts to venture out on his own and derails from the path, he starts to have problems with his parents leading up to the drug abuses.
Future Gaurav: 35 & above, Slim built, 5.5” & above. All his past experience makes the Future Gaurav a better man. He achieve his goal of becoming Musician.
Teenage Friends: 11- 16 Years Old. Boys & Girls from all background.
Security Guards: Young and well built. These character provides security to the Future Gaurav during the premiere of his album.
Papparazzi: Around 5-6 person. Will snap a continuous picture of the future Gaurav when he venture out of his Limo during the premiere.
Fans: 15 required. Fans of future Gaurav. Who will cheer for gaurav while he walks on red carpet.
the team.
Crew Positions Needed:
Crews: Contact us with your speciality, past experiences and we will see where we can fit you in
Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit, DVD/Digital Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:
Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: Experience is required for actors who will be playing a major role. Please send us your resume with head shot, full body shot, contact info and link of your previous work. Make sure your pictures have your own name. Audition dates will be provided to the selected artists.
If you want to get involved as a crew, send us your resume, and your area of interest. We will be happy to work with you.
Good Luck.