Synopsis: The hero of the city, Star Man, is dead, leaving no one to keep the city safe. But Star Man’s only son, Skip, has bigger things on his plate right now – namely rescuing his beloved pet jaguar from the zoo.

Independent, Non-union, Short Film
Production Location: Austin
Production Schedule: One shoot in late March as part of the Kickstarter promotion, formal shoot in May.

Character Breakdowns:

All races encouraged to audition for all roles.

Reginald (60’s+) – Posh, long-suffering butler of Star Man and disrespected surrogate father-figure to Star Man’s out of control playboy son.

Judith (60’s+) – Has dedicated her life to zookeeping with a Jane Goodall streak. She’s the kind grandmother figure to all the animals who isn’t afraid to go to extreme lengths to ensure their safety.

Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit, DVD Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages
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