Here are the details that we are looking for this MTV Reality TV Series Pilot to be filmed in Austin starting 1st quarter of 2015.

2 Females, Beautiful ages 21-26 yrs old.
Must live in Austin, Texas
To be casted on a new MTV Reality TV Series Pilot Titled “Stuck Between Sunset & 6th St., about a young man coming back to his hometown of Austin TX after making good in Hollywood in order to implemement what he’s learned in L.A. in the new progress ATX.
2 Leading Casted females will work at the newly launched storefront owned by lead male cast member coming from Los Angeles.

Full Name, Age, Occupation/School, and ambitions
1 close up photo/headshot
1 full length body photo
and any photos showing your personality

Please forward all cast to following:
Attn. Casting: