Production Title: The Lonely Ones
Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: HD

Production Location: Dallas/Fort Worth

Production Start Date: 11/22/2014
Production Wrap Date: 11/22/2014
Production Schedule: 1 day

Writer(s): Joshua Simmons
Director(s): Joshua Simmons

Synopsis: Synopsis: Older woman walks down her driveway, when she reaches the end she picks up a newspaper. She opens it up reading about how there is a crime wave of young juvenile delinquents. The Older Woman walks up to Young Boy asking him who he is. The Young Boy is sitting on the curb crying, his rusted old bike has a flat. A Drunk man walks up to the Young Boy yelling “What’d I tell you about getting’ in trouble? HHmmm.” The Drunk man picks up the Young Boy by his arm at hits him. The Older Woman screams “Enough”. The Older Woman is on the Porch asking Roy to wish her Luck, as the Young Boy is walking up to her. Voice over of the Title The Lonely Ones, cut to black.
*The film consists primarily of interconnected monologues.

Character Breakdowns:
Older Woman: female, age 45-65. Older Woman lives by her self. Her husband Roy died some years ago. Older Woman is seventy-eight years old. She is every wealthy and stuck up. She does not like when people trespass on her property. She doesn’t like the poor or the homeless. She thinks that all homeless people are drug addicts. She never had any children of her own, and doesn’t like that about her self. She wishes she had kids so she wouldn’t be so lonely as an adult.

Young Boy: male, age 8-12. Young Boy lives with his drunken mother and father. He is very poor. The clothes that he wares are all torn up and dirty, which makes him, stink. The young boy doesn’t have any friends. Many of the other kids pick on him and bully him. He has a old rusted bike it is the only thing that his has that he can call his own. He doesn’t eat much due to his parents not having money.

Drunk Woman: female, age 28 – 38. Drunk Woman is also in her late thirty’s she only married drunk man because she got pregnant with young boy. She also begs all day with drunk man, and gives him all of her money. Drunk woman hates herself and her life. She hates young boy and wishes that she never hand him. She blames him for her life’s misfortunes.

Drunk Man: male, age 28-38. Drunk man is in his late thirty’s, he has been married to drunk woman for ten years. Drunken man has no job; he is a drunk that begs for money everyday. Drunk man and his wife and his son young boy live in a old broken down house on the edge of town. Drunk man only has a couple of different pairs of clothes, which haven’t been washed in years. Drunk man never graduated high school and uses all of his money on drug and alcohol.

Audition Date: 11/21/2014
Audition Start Time: 01:00 pm
Audition End Time: 04:00 pm
Audition Location: AI Dallas. Details provided with appointment

Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages

Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: