The Party (A working Title)
Independent/Student/Studio: Student
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Denton
Production Start Date: 07/17/2015
Production Wrap Date: 07/18/2015
Production Schedule: 2 Days
Producer(s): Marie-Louise Nkashama
Writer(s): Marie-Louise Nkasham
Director(s): Marie-Louise Nkashama, Joshua Young
Additional Attached Crew: Polly O’hair, Paxton Lisenbe, Chloe Calk
Synopsis: Farah, a shy awkward girl, goes to a party. Her attempts to mingle fail until she meets a guy who is way to romantic for her liking. She succeeds in escaping his presence but drops her phone in the pursuit. Hours pass before she realizes that her phone is missing and she goes looking for it. She goes upstairs to search but finds something way beyond what she’d ever expect.
Character Breakdowns:
We are in need of the main Male role: Donovan
Donovan is one of the main characters in the movie. He’s a hopeless romantic that can’t take a hint, but he really does mean well. Donovan has a sort of charisma to him that Farah can’t stand, but that doesn’t keep him from trying to pursue her.
Audition Date: 07/01/2015
Audition Start Time: 01:00 pm
Audition End Time: 03:00 pm
Crew Positions Needed:
In need of a Sound position. Someone to hold the boom pole and regulate the sound.
Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: