Independent/Student/Studio: Independent
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Feature Film
Production Format: HD

Production Location: Austin

Production Start Date: 01/01/2015
Production Wrap Date: 09/01/2015
Production Schedule: Flexible Hours

Writer(s): Dannie Snyder
Director(s): Dannie Snyder, Kyle Zamcheck

Synopsis: The Story of Six Tusks is a drama, a comedy… is music, dance… is a piece of poetry, an adult fairy tale… and much more. Set in present day Austin, Texas, the story follows six racially diverse characters that are suffering from their attachments and desires, from materialism to addictions. A young couple breaks up, an old man’s dog dies, a teenager leaves rehab, a man loses his retirement plan, a little boy prepares for death, and a wealthy woman searches for a painting of an elephant with six tusks… Unable to accept their sudden losses, these characters’ realities crack open by their wildly growing imaginations of their passions magically restoring through the materials surrounding them. A red sweater frays into a violent, chaotic web as a lover submits herself, her veins and heart, made of wet yarn, feeding into his entanglement… A gold urn of a sleeping dog with angelic wings comes to life… Dark, abstract tattoos sprout from a teenager’s skin as her wooden gauge earrings expand and weave through her hair like a crown… Office documents transform into extraordinary, exotic birds… A man with the head of an elephant visits a woman in her sleep…

Crew Positions Needed:
LIV creations LLC is currently in pre-production for our next feature film, THE STORY OF SIX TUSKS. Principal photography begins in Summer 2015.
LIV creations LLC is seeking an intern for Spring 2015 to prepare for an official position with the company in Summer 2015. The internship is unpaid, so we are encouraging film students who can receive school credit to apply. The official position is a part-time paid job.
Throughout the spring we will have many events including a theatre production at the North Door on February 26th, which is a staged adaptation of our screenplay.
Please check out our website to read a synopsis of THE STORY OF SIX TUSKS and explore our past films, including the feature film THE LONG-TERM SIDE EFFECT, recently nominated for Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Film at the IndieCapitol Awards in Washington DC.

Paid / Non-Paid: Paid, Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages, Transporatation

Production Company: LIV Creations LLC
Film / Production Company Website:

Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: