We need to cast the following roles for extras on our 70s era project. Please put in the subject line the role that you are submitting for and follow instructions exactly! We appreciate it!
We need people with hairstyles and looks appropriate for the 1970s.
CLUBGOERS- all types- this scene takes place in a Hookah bar themed lounge
LIBERAL TYPES- *Caucasian Males and Females ONLY* – Hippie types who don’t want the gov’t involved in their lives
RADICAL TYPES-*Caucasian Males ONLY*- sideburns & facial hair are a plus
YOUNG KID-*African American Males ONLY*-age 18-22
OLDER ESTABLISHMENT TYPE* Caucasian Males ONLY*-well manicured type of gentleman.
You’ll need a flexible schedule with the ability to clear time for the WHOLE day you are working.
To submit, email us at- thirdcoastextras@gmail.com w/ subject heading “ INSERT ROLE YOU ARE SUBMITTING FOR HERE” and follow directions below exactly:
Please include: name, age, phone #, city where you currently live, height, weight, jacket, shirt, and pant size. Attach plenty of clear, well-lit, current photos in high resolution – including both close up photos AND full length photos that accurately display your look for the role you believe you are a good fit for.
IMPORTANT: Must be Texas resident w/ valid Texas ID (driver’s license, identification card, student ID) who lives in (or at least nearby) to Austin, TX since shoots days can change at the last minute. Please don’t submit if you’re not local to the area or nearby. Even if you’ve submitted or worked with us on a previous project, please follow directions and submit again for this project. We want your most updated info & current photos to show Director. Thank you!