We are casting for the latest short by Pineapple Flavored Productions now! “Usual Scheme” follows the events of a young woman, Ava, who can’t catch a break with the pyramid scheme she seems to be wrapped up in. This all changes after she meets her future business associate, Felix.

Casting for the role of:
Ava- A determined hard working young woman, who wont take flak, with a dry sense of humor. Looking for a woman from the ages of 19-29 years of age.

Leon- A loud mouth hood rat who loves Tetris. Looking for a man who is from the ages of 19-38 years of age.

Extras- This piece is packed with extras. There are a few montages in which the protagonist goes door to door and around town. We would love a diverse set of individuals and locations. If you would like to make a character out of this type of extra work, we totally welcome it.

Locations: We are again looking for a diverse set of locations. We already have a majority locked down, but we are always looking to expand! If you would like to help in this area, all is welcome!

Actors will receive a copy of their scenes for their demo reels, you will receive a credit on imdb, there will be food, coffee and donuts.

This production will be a fairly laid back three day shoot.
The shooting dates are May 4th-6th (possibly April 27-29th)

You can email me at pineappleflavoredproductions@gmail.com with a headshot, resume, video reel, or possible further inquiry about the production.

Thank you so much.