Independent/Student/Studio: Independent
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Short Film
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Austin
Production Start Date: 11/30/2014
Production Wrap Date: 11/30/2014
Production Schedule: 1 day
Writer(s): Dylan Gerik
Director(s): Tayte Rian, Dylan Gerik

Synopsis: “Vanguard” is a short, buddy comedy about two dudes trying to reform a friendship. Spencer is trying to move forward in his life as T.J. notices their friendship withering and thinks forming a band will help. T.J. and Spencer must form a band and get everything they need to win the Battle of the Bands…on Friday!

Character Breakdowns:
Extras – to play concert goers/crowd at a rock concert. Please come dressed like you are attending a rock concert.

Audition Date: 11/30/2014
Audition Start Time: 10:30 am
Audition End Time: 05:30 pm
Audition Location: Red 7
Audition Address: 611 E 7th St Austin, Texas 78701
Paid / Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Snacks and Beverages
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions:
Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: If interested please contact us for a specific call time.