Vicky Boone Casting is seeking young women for a short film adaptation of Joyce Carol Oates’ short story WHERE ARE YOU GOING, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. The project is intended for festival play and shoots in Waxahachie for two weeks in April with five days of rehearsal in the time leading up to the shoot. All roles are paid.
We are currently seeking interested parties who fit the following description:
[JUNE] – Female, 23-26 years old, white, overweight. Average looks, perhaps a little on the plain side. Responsible, domestic, possibly meek or bookish.
If you think you might be a good fit for this role, please submit your name, best contact info, resume, location, and two pictures (one headshot, one full body) to with the subject line “WAYG: June”.
Thanks, we look forward to your submissions!
VBC Team
Vicky Boone –