Wilson Hill Promo
Independent/Student/Studio: Independent
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Commercial
Production Format: HD
Production Location: Austin
Production Start Date: 12/13/2014
Production Wrap Date: 12/14/2014
Production Schedule: Each actor will be needed for one half day shoot
Producer(s): Jensen Yancey
Writer(s): Keller Davis
Director(s): Keller Davis
Synopsis: A promo video for an online high school where three students and a teacher complete a chemistry project together from different parts of the world.
Character Breakdowns:
Main Characters:
–Joe (Male, age 17-19)
Joe is a high school senior who works at his family’s rural farmhouse. Between attending to chores and work there, he attends school remotely from home through Wilson Hill Academy. A more southern, country look and style might be the best fit. Additional skills and experience in 4H, animal handling, and agriculture would be a plus.
–Ronald (Male, age 17-19)
Ronald is a high school senior from a suburban home setting that includes his two siblings and his parents. He likes his independence as a teenager and being able to take care of his course work from home.
–Ellie (Female, age 17-19)
Ellie is a French high-school level student who lives with her parents in an apartment in Paris. Although she is a native French speaker, she has a command of the English language. She fulfills her rigorous appetite for Chemistry though the online AP Chemistry course offered by Wilson Hill Academy. Her international location allows her to login to class during her evenings, while her U.S.-based classmates login during their day. She is tech-savvy and accustomed to a fast-paced modern lifestyle. Preference is for a native French speaker or someone with command of the language and the ability to speak English as a native French resident.
–Mrs Baxter (Female, age 30-45)
High school chemistry teacher who is sharp, takes a fresh approach to learning, and personable to her students.
Secondary Characters
–Ellie’s Mother (Female, around age 40-45)
Ellie’s mother is a stay-at-home mom who enjoys cooking and baking. She lives with her husband and 17-year-old daughter in a downtown Paris apartment. She previously home-schooled her daughter before she discovered online classes with Wilson Hill Academy. Knowledge of the French language and pronunciation important.
–Ellie’s Father (Male, around age 40-45)
Ellie’s father is a French businessman. He appreciates that his daughter is engaging with American students online and expanding her knowledge of Chemistry with the advanced course taught online through Wilson Hill Academy. He likes to enjoy a glass of wine each evening while he catches up on his reading of the daily newspaper.
–Ronald’s Sister (Female, around age 15-17)
Ronald’s sister lives in a suburban home with her family, and also attends online classes through Wilson Hill Academy. Younger than Ronald, less mature.
–Ronald’s Brother (Male, around age 14-16)
Ronald’s brother lives in a suburban home with his family, and also attends online classes with Wilson Hill Academy. Younger than Ronald, less mature.
–Joe’s Mother (Female, around age 40-45)
Friendly, warm stay-at-home mom who lives in the country with her husband. Cares a lot about her son and helping him succeed in his academics.
Audition Date: 12/11/2014
Paid / Non-Paid: Paid
Other / Additional Compensation: Film Credit, DVD Copy
Meals / Lodging / Transportation: Meals, Snacks and Beverages
Production Company: Escape Plan Productions
Film / Production Company Website: http://www.escapeplanfilms.com
Email Address for Cast / Crew Submissions: jensen.yancey@gmail.com
Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: Some experience speaking french for Ellie’s role is preferable, but proficency with other western european languages or accents would work as well.