Read & Review Screenplay Submission

Are you ready to hear your script read aloud by real people and get constructive feedback?
Then it’s time to submit for a Screenplay Read & Review…

Submission Guidelines:
Your screenplay submission must include a logline, page count and list of character descriptions. Screenplays should be complete, properly formatted and free of typos as much as possible. Early versions welcome. If you need help with writing, loglines, proper formatting or completing your screenplay, please attend our Writing Group.

Character descriptions should include each character’s name, character’s age or age range, character’s gender pronouns, a short description of each character’s personality or traits if specific to helps actors give better readings. Please indicate which characters have no speaking lines.

Genre & Length:
We encourage submissions of any length in any genre including but not limited to narrative, documentary, commerical, animation, live action, series pilots or episodes, and online video content.

If your script is selected, we will help assign actors to read the roles. If you have anyone in mind already, please include their name and email in your submission.

How It Works:
If you haven’t yet, please attend a Screenplay Read & Review event to see how it works and to provide feedback for others and pay it forward. If your screenplay is selected, you must attend the reading. We ask that you do not provide any information or answer any questions during the reading or feedback session, as this can discourage honest, open responses from feedbackers. We will conduct the reading and any discussion to follow. Please do not answer any questions or provide response to comments. It’s best to listen to what people say and refrain from responding in order to encourage open, honest conversation about your screenplay following the reading. When the reading and discussion have closed, you may ask questions.

By submitting your screenplay, you agree to allow Austin Film Meet and our staff, attendees and members to view your screenplay and provide feedback. You also agree that Austin Film Meet may make audio or video recording of the event which may be used for documentary or marketing purposes. Your screenplay may be included in the recording but will not be used in full.

Congratulations on your screenplay! Thank you for your submission!