Austin Film Meet Wordsmiths: Group Feature Writing Assignments – Character Outline Due
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Meeting starts at 7pm

This meeting is intended for those members who have been assigned to a writing team for the AFM Group Feature project.  Tonight, we review results from the first step in the writing assignments: outline and synopsis. Please bring 3 printed copies of the progress your team has made so far on the assignment. As a group, we will review progress, share feedback, and explain the next step in the Group Feature writing process. At least 1 member of each writing team must attend. No Open-Mic tonight.

This meeting is important for AFM Group Feature Writing participants, however if you can’t make it tonight, just email me@austinfilmmeet.com so we don’t worry or suspect flakiness.

Interested in participating?
We’re still looking for talented individuals to participate in the production of the AFM Group Feature project.