Cell, a 13 episode web series recently wrapped production in Smithville, Texas, one of the state’s ‘film friendly’ cities. And friendly they are! Never underestimate the power of the passion of a small Texas town. These guys rock! Smithville has proven a favorite shooting location for an increasing number of filmmakers.

Numerous Austin Film Meet members were drawn to this project, perhaps because it is so well-written with strong relationships and a gripping storyline. Maybe it was the passion of writer and director Mark Gardner, who has worked so hard to develop his baby. He certainly deserves kudos for successfully executing a production on a such a tight schedule and still managing to keep the cast and crew happy.

He couldn’t have done it without the tireless efforts of Brian Morgan, who might be the most effective producer I know. Not to mention all the other talented and committed individuals who contributed to this project. Happily, I served my time as a graphic designer for props and pre-development consulting, but I sadly missed out on the production phase. If you know anyone involved with this project, I’m certain you’ve heard the hype, too. And this won’t be the last you hear about this project. It’s going places.

But now, see the trailer and be teased.

The official teaser trailer:

Here’s an unofficial teaser trailer, created by Cell star Danny Cameron:

Don’t forget to visit the blog for this project at Lovable Varmint Productions.