by H.Cherdon Bedford | Dec 14, 2010 | Events History
A 2-Day Hands-on Intensive Training Workshop covering the Panasonic AG-AF100 with Special Guest Panasonic camera expert Barry Green of A full hands-on experience with instruction on Day 1 and full access to three different professionally lighted scenes.
by H.Cherdon Bedford | May 19, 2010 | Cinematography, Equipment, Resources
Download the Presentation Documents from Jeffrey Buras’ presentation from May 17, 2010.
by Jeffrey Buras | Nov 6, 2009 | Equipment, Resources
Since my last post, RED told us how they are releasing their new Epic camera. The gist is that a full release will not be ready until “early 2010” but current RED One owners can beta test the camera first. There’s a lot of options on how to upgrade...
by Jeffrey Buras | Oct 30, 2009 | Equipment, Resources
RED Digital Cinema has said for a while now that they are going to make an announcement on October 30th. That announcement has not appeared just yet, but they have dropped a few hints: A new sensor has been in development (called the Mysterium-X) New products will not...