Do you have an interest in writing? Do you have film knowledge to share? Do you have something to say? Maybe you should consider volunteering as a writer. Austin Film Meet seeks writers, bloggers and vloggers to contribute content to our website.
We are looking for guest writers, as well as Staff Writers for the following columns:
- Staff Writer for Acting Advice Column
This person should have a background in acting, stunts, or casting and be able to deliver 300+ word articles on various topics of interest to actors every 2 weeks. - Staff Writer for Film Production Column
This person should have a background in film production and be able to deliver 300+ word articles on a different topic every 2 weeks. - Staff Writer for Screenwriting Tips Column
This person should have a background in screenwriting and should be able to deliver 300+ word articles on a different topic related to screenwriting every 2 weeks. - Staff Writer for Community Column
This person should have a strong interest in the local film community and will be required to deliver 300+ word articles on a different topics covering the film and video industry in Central Texas every 2 weeks.
TOPICS: We are interested in any topics and content that appeals to indie filmmakers in Central, Texas.
CONTENT: Strong opinions are encouraged, but negative attitudes are not desired.
REQUIREMENTS: No previous experience is required. Just a solid writing style and strong interest in indie film in Central, Texas. It helps if you have something interesting to say, experience to share, but we can help with that, too.
WORKLOAD: We welcome single articles, meaning if you only want to write one article, that’s fine. But keep in mind, the goal is to produce content on a regular schedule, once or twice a week. Kinda like a newspaper column. This helps build a stronger following.
HOW TO APPLY: If you’re interested, please post a link to something you’ve written (or a video if you want to vlog) below, and tell us what you want to write about. Thanks!
This is a unpaid volunteer position at this time, however the goal is to seek sponsorship, at which time we can offer a small stipend. But don’t do it for the money, do it because you truly love and support independent film. Thank you for your consideration!