[createscape]Austin Film Meet proudly announces a new series of events specifically targeting individuals who aim to market and monetize their talents in the current film, video & entertainment industries.

Austin Film Meet Panel Discussion
Topic: Monetizing Web Video

Thursday, July 31st – 7:00pm


The internet has introduced numerous new film and video distribution options. In this panel our moderator will touch on topics including how to monetize content created for the web, what content works best for a web series, promotion, marketing content for the web and distribution options for web series and we’ll discuss their personal experience with web video. If you have a question that you’d like our moderator to ask, please post it in the comments below.

Panel Guests:

Panel guests include a variety of professionals who have experience or expertise in the world of web series, not only in production, but also in marketing and distribution.

davidwardDavid Ward – Director, Writer, Producer – Ralph Smyth Entertainment, HUMORdy, Do Anything Stoned

David Ward is a filmmaker and commercial director from Austin, Texas specializing in sketch comedy and viral videos. His work has been featured on G4’s Attack of the Show, NFL.com, Sports Illustrated, LA Times, Huffington Post, CBS This Morning, Yahoo! news, AdAge and more. David’s spec commercial “Make Your Own Doritos” had 1M+ views on YouTube in 2 days and currently sits at 3.8M+ views. He has directed/edited content for Nike, Bicycle Playing Cards, Grande Communications and many others. David is also one of the creatives behind HUMORdy.com and a co-founder of Ralph Smyth Entertainment who just completed their first feature film: “Intramural”  Most importantly, his father recently stopped asking when he was going to get a real job.

danseigelsteinDan Siegelstein – Producer, Director, Editor, Grip – Keymaster Productions

Dan has six years experience in film working as a Producer/Director/Editor, key grip/lighting technician, and script supervisor. He is the co-owner of Keymaster Productions, LLC, an independent media production company. The short film “People and Issues,” which he directed as well, recently screened at the Houston Comedy Film Festival, where it was nominated for Best Texas Comedy, Best Ensemble, and Best Director. It also screened at Wizard World Film Festival where it won the award for Best Comedy Film. It will next be screened at the Sacramento Comic Con. He is in the planning stages of producing a feature-length version of “People with Issues.”

carey-martellCarey Martell – CEO – Martell Broadcasting Systems & Power Up TV, Host of the RPG Fanatic Show

Carey Martell is the CEO of Martell Brothers Studio and Martell Broadcasting Systems, Inc., and Power Up TV, an internet television network. He is also the host of The RPG Fanatic Show. Martell Broadcasting Systems is an internet television network startup in the midst of venture capitalist seed funding. The Martell network, via the Power Up TV brand, currently serves over two million video views every month through YouTube properties and has over 900 channels. The company also develops software for internet TV watching, transforming ordinary websites into true internet television stations with hourly programming. Carey currently has two pending provisional patents for episode containers and remote technology with internet television. In addition to his leadership role with Martell Bros. he has over four years of experience as a videogame journalist. He owns and manages several video game community websites aimed at niche audiences. Carey formerly served as the director of alumni membership for Tech Ranch as well as the event organizer for the Austin YouTube Partner monthly meetups. Prior to his role at Martell Brother Studio and his career as a video game developer and journalist, Carey served in the US Army for 5 years, including one tour of duty during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Carey is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Brian-morgan profileBrian Morgan – Producer – Tiny Courage

Brian is a Producer at Tiny Courage, which is a production company that helps experts, professionals and personalities develop your message, produce your video, and guide you on how to reach your online audience. Brian is a graduate of the RTF program at UT. He has written several screen plays and produced and directed over 10 shorts. His most recent short film, “Coded” has wrapped completion and is currently in post-production. He has been involved in the Austin film community for a couple of years and has learned the in’s and outs of Austin. He has grown up all over the Northwest and developed a unique perspective from the many places he has lived.  He has a hard working ethic and desire to help people with a creative vision see it come to completion using all the tools and techniques he has learned over the years.

Eric Robbins – Founder, CEO – Austin WebFest

Eric Robbins is the CEO/Co-Founder of Austin Webfest. Eric has an Associates of Applied Science in Graphic Design. Most recent awards are “Lead Actor in a Drama” LaWeb Fest 2012, “Outstanding Achievement for Editing in a Drama” LAWeb Fest 2012, both for a web series called “Red Rover” Co-Created, Co-Written and Produced by Eric Robbins and his production company Barker Films. Eric also won an award of Merit at Indie Fest in 2012 for Acting in and Producing Red Rover. Eric has been in several web series as well as feature films and shorts. Eric is a Writer, Producer, Editor, Cinematographer, and Director. Credits can be seen on IMDB. Follow Eric on twitter: @erobbins11

rsvp-on-facebookOur Moderator will be H.Cherdon, Founder & Director of Austin Film Meet.


All attendees please register for this event below.

Austin Film Meet Members – FREE
Createscape Coworking Members – FREE
Non-Members – $10
